Monday, May 01, 2006


You may notice some changes on this blog. (--CENSORED--) will appear anywhere there is a specific word that could, might, possibly, or conceivably identify the specific agency where I work. I've been informed from supervision that Management may have a problem with my first amendment right being exercised may cast them in an unfavorable light. So I've had to delete some pictures and others will be doctored.



oshee said...

Oh my...
A little sensitive aren't they. Someone out there might actually read it and see there are problems that COULD be fixed.

Shame on them.

misty harley said...

Annoying, isn't it.

Apparently there are even business's who do blog searches and will not fire someone with a questionable blog (whatever that is). They are also prone to fire employee's with blogs that are questionable (again...whatever that means).

Glad your keeping at it though. Makes me feel better knowing there is good in the world.

misty harley said...

Crap, that was supposed to say HIRE someone.

Anonymous said...

At least you can keep up your blog. I had one with NO identifying information on it about where I worked, names, city, areas, anything...and they still made me take it down. The only stories were things that go out over the scanner...minus names and address. I was still on probation when it took place or I may have fought it. But I'm glad you can keep yours...

PJ said...

This is why no one here knows I blog. Unfortunately, like the police and fire departments, we in dispatch rat each other out regularly. Police dispatchers in the UK recently had to quit blogging entirely because of "orders from headquarters". Be careful, my friend. This IS NOT a free country, and when you work in public service your ass is up for grabs everyday.

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised. I work in a field where confidentiality agreements are signed. It's tough.
I believe in whistle blowing. And venting. Too bad the system doesn't often allow these concerns to be addressed and solved within the system itself. It's called improvement. Cover Your Ass is poor policy.
Rant on.
What's with the password????

kevbayer said...

Yep... In order to avoid being dooced, I've avoided mentioning anything specific about my job in Public Safety Communications beyond maybe a small mention of actually being there or having just got off from a load of OT or expecting a load of OT.