Monday, June 05, 2006

Un momento por favor para un traductor español

And I do good just to say that! But the illegals who need that translator can't say anything except..."español". What's wrong with this picture? No effort whatsoever from these folks to learn one single syllable of English. How in the hell do they do it...go day in and day out in a country where no one speaks their language and still thrive? I think I'd at least try if I were in their shoes to learn basic phrases to get me by. Instead, anytime they need a translator, they call 9-1-1. Not necessarily for emergencies, but for anything. 9-1-1 is free, they got that part down pat. The Language Line, however, is least not for citizens who pay their taxes to support our ability to provide that contracted service. As a matter of fact, it turns out to be a damned expensive answer to questions like "I have to be at a jobsite on Perdido Key. How do I get there?"

PJ mentioned the added cost of jailing and providing law enforcement services to the recent massive influx of illegal aliens to this region of the country. An illegal alien gets in an accident because he was driving drunk....cost of ambulance ride to the emergency room - $750.00. Cost of ER services - $1250.00. Jail stay, court costs, least $3000.00. Grand total...over $5000.00. None of which, this "undocumented worker" will ever pay. And that's just one Mexican on one night in one community. Who ultimately pays for it all? YOU DO! Tolerance...yeah, sure, uh huh, that's what we need.


PJ said...


PJ said...


Wadical said...

Bow, Bow, waving, waving, bow again....Thank You, thank you!

PJ said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, buddy. Personally, I enjoy being sick just for the peace and quiet.

Stacey said...

wow someone who finaly had the guts to say it. Around here it is bosnians. Granted they came here to get away from a war but they have been here for like 5 years and they arnt making an effort to learn the language AT ALL.