Thursday, July 20, 2006

Directly straight from the Department of Redundancy this time!

“10-4, I copy, “ Be advised”, and “At this time”. Bovine feces...they open their mouths and out falls bovine feces. I don’t know why, and I don’t know when the use of this kind of crap talk began, but it needs to end. If you talk like that, you sound like an idiot.

10-4” means “I copy", say one or the other. Either will do just fine but not both. You don’t have to say it and then define it!

Be advised”…How many times a day do you hear that? You’re freaking advising me! If you advise me, then I will BE advised. You don’t have to tell me to “be advised” and then advise me. Just freaking do your "advising", and quit wasting my time!

At this time”…boy, this is my favorite. “At this time, we’ll be enroute.” WELL, NO SHIT, AT THIS TIME!! When the hell else would you be enroute? At another time?? If it were at another time, why the hell would you be telling me now? Say what you mean, mean what you say, but dammit man, be brief!

I got all spooled up about this today when, after discovering they were not needed at the emergency call they were on, I dispatched an ambulance to another emergency call. I gave them the location and nature of the call…….their response……”Uhhh 10-4, copy….uhhh, be advised we’re gonna be enroute at this time.” Gonna be enroute?? If you're currently responding, why tell me you're "gonna be"? “ENROUTE would have been sufficient.” One's quick, concise, and simple. It’s easy to feel like a genius when you spend your time dispatching imbeciles.


Tracy said...

lol.. I can not even imagine how frustrating that must be. Not being part of the emergency department I can tell you I hardly ever hear those words.

Rebecca said...

Oh my gosh I totally hate the 3 things you mentioned!!! My two favorites, for example on a vehicle description:"red in color" If you tell me "red" i know it's a color,I won't get confused and "Code 4 at this time" oooooh I hate that one, either your code 4 or your not! And don't get me started on "Code 3 cover voice" when all the unit wants is a plate or something.....Ahhh, I feel much better.

HotRodHanna said...

My favorite is when they have to broadcast mileage before and after a transport of a female. "Your time, my miles 223.4" No shit, you idiot!

Anonymous said...

Just a few comments. For one, "10-4" does NOT mean "I copy" - it means "OK". There's another code for "I copy" or "I understand". You've been around long enuff you should know that. Second...."at this time", as opposed to "we'll be transporting to Downtown General in a few minutes". That tells you that the crew will be transporting (not cancelling), and helps you plan unit placement. Then, when they are really on the way, they're enroute "at this time". Third, since you're so interested in brevity, why do you repeat what crews are saying ON A REPEATER CHANNEL????? Everybody already heard it and THAT sounds stupid, whether it's our agency or others.
Granted, we all say stupid things at times - it comes with the territory and the sometimes hectic pace of the job. If I were you (and the people you work with know who you are), I'd be careful about calling anyone an imbecile. Rather than getting "all spooled up", maybe you should get a Valium script.

Wadical said...

(sniff, sniff)....smells like an IMBECILE.

OK "Anonymous" (I just love it when they're brave enough to leave their name.) I can't believe I'm doing this, because you did such a fine job of letting everyone out there know just how intelligent you really are, but I'll humor you with a response.

1st10-4, I copy, OK....their synonymous, Einstein. Check your little 10-code cheat sheet they issued you at orientation. It says (OK, I copy.) often used synonymously and incorrectly with 10-26 (to which you seem to be referring) which means, depending on which list you consult..."I've received your message", which is a terrible definition of the context in which we use that code. It means more "I'm aware of the information you're talking about"....or "I'm not 10-26."...means "I've got no clue what you're talking about." It would better be defined as "Do you know?" or "Yes I know about that." could be done away with altogether because its STUPID to have a code for that. "I copy" is an affirmation that you've heard my transmission. It's simply an acknowledgement...IT MEANS OK. So just say 10-4 and be done with it already.

2nd I don't care when you say it, "at this time" is a waste of your breath. Before you go getting your panties all in a wad about it, try it. You'll see it makes you sound less like someone who's trying to sound important and more like someone who's confident and direct. If you are one of those who tell me to "be advised" can't be helped. Just continue to sound ridiculous, because anything you try to do to make it better will inevitably make it worse.

3rd I repeat everything on a repeated channel BECAUSE POLICY DICTATES I DO SO! Take it up with the policy makers. I think it sounds stupid too. But alas, I'm not king....good thing for you, 'eh?

4th Instead of pushing "Valium scripts" like some pseudo-doc wannabe and blaming your idiotic bantor on the radio to "hectic pace of the job" How 'bout trying to do things correctly, and quit trying to defend what is ridiculous and superfluous?

5th I saved this for last because I knew this would come up one day, I called no one "specific" an imbecil. (That is until you arrived in all of your "anonymous glory".) Just the one's who talk that way. You have no idea how many names you're called when the mike's not hot. I know I'm called alot of names when the mikes not hot....I just don't care enough about you to give a crap. It's just part of the job, get over it or get another job, but don't begin to think you can in anyway threaten me because.....I DON'T GIVE A WOMBAT SHIT IF YOU KNOW WHO I AM! I've made no effort to conceal my identity, unlike you, "anonymous" commenter. I'll be happy to "discuss" it with you in detail whenever you feel the need to do so.

This is MY BLOG, on which I WILL LEAVE ANY COMMENT OR POSTING OF MY CHOOSING. It is for me, not for you. It allows me to get things off my chest. It's not a place where I will coddle to or worry about whether or not YOU will be offended at what I write. Here, I don't care. Get offended. Get upset, I don't give a shit. This place is MY trashcan. It's where I dump everything I don't want lingering on my person, so I know it's not pretty. So if you're gonna dig through my "trash", don't complain about being dirty or offended....get the hell out of the trash can!

HotRodHanna said...

clap, clap, clap

Rebecca said...

[Wolf whistle] Well put.

Anonymous said...

i sit and raise my glass to you j and say well said, all of it, cheers!

PJ said...

What a bunch of putz's. We go through that all the time. Just one more reason to look for that retirement day.

Anonymous said...

Well, let's see. Now I have name, so you'll know who I am - just like all the other commenters here. Feel better?

I also am impressed (not!) with your gallery of supporters - most of them seem to be anonymous too.

Only one of your rebutts deserves a re-rebbuttal, and then I'll just fade "a nonnie moose" - ly away. "THIS IS MY BLOG.....", etc. Yep, it is. But you place it in full view of the world, so don't be pissed when someone chooses (or DARES?) to disagree with you. Comes with the territory. If that disturbs you (along with everything else that disturbs you), then get a little diary with a lock, vent at home under the covers, then hide your diary on the top shelf in the closet where no one can see it and make comments.

Wadical said...

A rebutt that needs a rebuttal?? Oh, man that's golden, just golden! You're a regular wordsmith, you are! Pulizter material, I tell ya'...PULITER!

You may know WHO I am, but I assure you know nothing ABOUT who I am. You haven't come close to "disturbing" me. Keep your anonymous title there "knotty moose knuckles" or what ever the hell your name is.

By the way....tell me which repeated channel, we repeat all traffic on. There's only one and it's not a primary dispatch channel, as a matter of fact it's seldom even used. You should know that.

Not impressed with the gallery of supporters, huh? What? You "know who they are" too?? Well, I know most of them and I can tell you that they write better than you do. They articulate a thought better than you do. They understand certain elementary communications concepts infinitely better than maybe it's YOU who's not quite so impressive.

You "Dared" to disagree with me???? You haven't "dared" to do anything but throw peanuts from the back of the crowd and run like the pansy little eunuch you are. You aren't "daring", you're a coward. You just got yer little panties in a wad and can't think of any better way to handle it than to leave ignorant little remarks under an anonymous name so YOU can run off and hide (on C shift, I bet......hmmmmm. Maybe you aren't so "anonymous" there, anonymous.)

Whatever, one here takes you seriously, anyway. You're either one of the substandard dispatchers we have, or one of the burned out ones. I'll assume so until you have the scrote to stand up and prove otherwise. Until it says at the bottom of my page:


Sorry about the "Scrote" joke, eunuch.

Anonymous said...

Wadical sed "There's only one and it's not a primary dispatch channel, as a matter of fact it's seldom even used."

462.975....EMS main channel.! Sounds like a repeater to me.

You should know that.

Wadical said...

Bill, you know we don't repeat traffic on
ems... Only tac.

Wadical said...

Oops...sorry, didn't mean to use yer real name. We'll stick with knotty moose knuckles.

I've read back through this thread, and still can't figure out what the hell you're talking about. All fire traffic is repeated verbatim, by the dispatcher, according to policy, including TAC-1, which is the only repeated channel. Yes, EMS is also a repeated frequency, but the dispatcher doesn't repeat every transmission. So what the hell were you talking about??

Never mind...this is getting old anyway. You keep up the "at this time" and "10-4, copy", and "be advised" crap. Go ahead and get offended at words like "imbecile" and pretend like you never cast an insult. (I'll remind you next time I hear the mike go dead and YOU say something derrogatory about the idiotic crew that just said something stupid.) And you just keep making assumptions that I must be a racist because of something you THINK you read...yeah, it was you 3 posts down, I knew it then, I know it now. You keep thinking that you're clever enough to remain body knows who you are....yeah, whatever. It's yer life, and ignorance is bliss. Live in your fantasy.

PJ said...

Please come and work here, W.

HotRodHanna said...

On a lighter note... I just had an officer go "Enroute to IPD jail; One in custody and me". I about fell off my chair laughing.

Wadical said...

Yes, it DOES seem a safe assumption that HE would actually accompany HIS prisoner to know, as opposed to giving him directions on how to get there himself.

Anonymous said...

i guess maybe i am gonna have to stop reading for awhile j cause i am getting pissed....and i am starting to feel like i am at work...well, you know what i mean...but i read this and am happy to work what i call "smart time" and work full time for a "civilian" company.....ya'll have fun with your bs...i'm gonna go play with my helos....cheers

Anonymous said...


Wadical said...

Tim, those particular arguments are taken up over at Wight Wing Wadical, this site is reserved for shit that pisses me off at work. Discussing this AT work, is not possible, because, God forbid, I may hurt someone's delicate feelings. So, to me, this IS a worthwhile argument, taken up in the most convenient of forums...MY SITE. Those who don't wish to be bothered with such trivial issues are free to click that little "x" in the top right corner of your screen.

Stacey said...

hahaha. I read your post and thought it was the funiest thing I have read in forever. So I decided to post a comment telling you that. I then started reading the comments on here and decided that they were even funnier then the post itself.
Be advised I think you ROCK,
also be advised that at this time I will make sure to never make those mistakes on the radio ever again. Because I read the post and 10-4 I coppied that it has to be really annoying to listen to that all day.

Keep up the awesome posts. Oh and God forbid you actually post your oppinions on YOUR blog.

Wombat shit?!?! haha you crack me up.

Wadical said...

I've used thay term a few time, Stacy. I first heard it on the movie "Gardens of Stone" with James Caan. In order to conserve moisture, Wombats apparently do not sweat and shit quite rarely and when they do, the resulting feces is nearly devoid of all moisture and quite useless as a fertilizer. So, in the future, if you're forced to give a shit...consider the oft forgotton cute little wombat who renders the most uceleess densist gift packages of all marcupials.

Adam said...

Wow. Never a dull moment on Wadical's pages. :-)

You forgot one of the most common transmission transgressions, though. "Make your best time/Expedite!" THAT one drives me up the wall.

"Hey Al, rescue just said to 'Expedite!' I guess that means we can't stop for ice cream on the way there? Maybe we should turn the lights and siren on, too."

If the call comes in as your run-of-the-mill taxi call and rescue/PD gets there and finds an unexpected stimulation of the pucker factor, i can understand that. But come on, man! We just got called to the same unresponsive head injury from an ATV accident/code/drowning that you did! Trust me, we're already making the best time that we safely can.

Stacey said...

Haha Adam. Remember this one:

"*** fire to *** ambulance please expidite"

"*** ambulance to fire control we're on the scene"
2.5 minutes later:

"*** Ambulance to fire control. We are back in service. Patient refusal"

Aucklandir said...

Oh yes I remember the days of dispatching ambulances...great blogg

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain.

I work in Canada as a 9-1-1/Fire/EMS Dispatcher.

It took many many many years for us to educate our city police officers to supply us with simple information (Conscious/Breathing/Age/Gender - chief complaint).

Every once in awhile we get a senior police officer who calls for EMS and supplies EMS with NO INFORMATION.

Maybe in a few centuries things will change.